Slow Cooking

Slow cooking is ideal for tougher cuts of meat and root vegetables.

Rabbit Pie Recipe

A traditional recipe for Rabbit Pie, using either farmed or wild rabbit.

Liver & Bacon Recipe

Recipe for Slow Cooker Liver & Bacon.

Irish Stew Recipe

Irish Stew Recipe – another slow cook dish using a cheap cut of meat.

Lancashire Hot Pot Recipe

Traditional Lancashire Hot Pot Recipe. Uses a cheap cut of meat.

Curried Pork Casserole

Shoulder pork is loads cheaper than leg. This recipe makes the most of it. Just skim off any excesss fat at the end.

Beef Long Stew Recipe

Recipe for Beef Stew that goes a long, long, way.

Daube of Beef Recipe

Daube of Beef Recipe – To stretch it a bit more without adding too much to the cost, a pig’s foot or hock can be roasted/cooked and the meat added an hour into the cooking.

Cassoulet Recipe

Tadpole’s Cassoulet Recipe – The last time I made this, the cost worked out to be roughly 35p per meal.

Neck of Lamb Casserole Recipe

Neck of Lamb Casserole Recipe

Beef Casserole Recipe

Beef Casserole Recipe using braising steak. Serves 3. Goes well with mashed potatoes or crispy bread.