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The Frugal Home – Advice & Tips for Frugal Living
The frugal home is much more than saving money on food. It’s about a whole range of things that you can apply the low cost living approach to and live better whilst spending less.
We’ve a lot of articles on the site to help you with frugal living whatever your circumstances. There’s a saying that “The rich want a bargain and the poor need a bargain”, which neatly sums up our approach.
These are the main sections we’ve broken articles into so that you can more easily find what interests you. Don’t forget there is a search facility as well which will return results from all these sections.
Frugal low cost living is a philosophy we apply to everything we can. And just like people, not everything falls neatly into a category so these articles are about the things that don't.
There are some great articles by Dick Handscombe who retired...
Saving Energy, Green Energy, Alternatives
Before you even think about generating your own power, reduce how much you use. Not only will you reduce your carbon emissions, you will save a lot of money through saving energy!
Whether you are concerned...
We all like a holiday but they can be very expensive. It's possible to have a great frugal holiday and spend very little. In fact you can travel frugally and keep yourself by working casually as you need to.
Frugal travel is often far more...
Part of our philosophy of frugal, low cost living is to make the most of our resources. To use what we have wisely for the maximum benefit as well as avoiding unnecessary expenses. The garden isn't just something to look at, it can be the basis of a business...
40 Years of Growing Fruit & Vegetables!
We've had an up and down life, sometimes money was that tight that a tin of beans seemed like a luxury purchase. Yet we've nearly always had the constant of fresh, pesticide free vegetables.
We all want a home that we love and one that loves us back but houses can be expensive money-pits.
Hopefully the articles below will be of some help to your low cost lifestyle. Remember, we're not about being cheap, or mean - we're about living better...
Love of Money is The Root of All Evil!
Love of money may be the root of all evil, but it can be pretty evil if you don't have any. Getting away from the rat race is one thing and paying off the mortgage might be a dream but there are still bills to...
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Low Cost Living – The Book
Live Better &
Spend Less!
You can be happy living a more frugal sustainable life
Simple tried and tested methods that you can follow