If you drive, car insurance can be one of the biggest expenses that you will face for being on the road. Whether you are about to purchase your first car or are in the process of buying a new car, the good news is that there are several things that you can do to reduce the cost of your car insurance policy while still ensuring that you are completely and legally covered. Here are some of the best options to consider for cutting the cost of your car insurance:
Shop Around
One of the best things to do when it comes to getting the best price for your car insurance is to shop around. You can use a comparison site like CompareNI to get various quotes for car insurance NI and make sure that you are paying the lowest price for your policy. If you are looking for the best quotes for car insurance NI, you can use CompareNI to simply enter the details of your car and your personal details to find out more about which companies are offering the best prices.
Choose the Right Car
If you are in the process of purchasing a new car, it’s a good idea to do your research on the make and model that you choose in terms of safety and security. Certain cars are deemed to be safer than others and will therefore usually be cheaper to insure. On the other hand, cars that do not have as many safety features compared to others, or are statistically involved in more crashes compared to others, might cost more to insure. The best thing to do is get several insurance quotes for the cars you are considering to find out which ones are going to cost you the least.
Drive Less
Driving less isn’t just good for the environment and your health, but it can also help you save money in many different ways. Aside from saving on petrol or diesel since you are driving less, insurers will often reduce your policy premiums when you have a lower mileage since, statistically, being on the road less will reduce your risk of being involved in an accident.
Get a Dashcam
Getting a dashcam installed in your car can be a fairly inexpensive way to protect yourself on the roads and pay less for your car insurance in the process. Since the dashcam records video of the road while you are driving, it will capture any accidents that you are involved in, which can then be provided to your insurer to prove fault and determine the situation. Not only can this speed up any future insurance claims that you make, but many insurance companies will also offer a discount for dashcam users.
Buy Early
You can often get a discount on your car insurance policy by buying it at least a few weeks before your insurance policy needs to start. If you are coming to the end of your current insurance policy and need to get a new one, it’s a good idea to start looking a few weeks in advance to make sure that you can secure the best price. Since insurers know that the closer to the time you get, the more urgent your need for insurance will be, prices can often grow with demand and you’ll usually end up paying more if you’re searching for insurance just a few days before your policy is due to start.
Consider Multi-Car Insurance
If there are two or more cars in your household, it might be worth considering getting multi-car insurance to drive the cost of insuring your cars down. A multi-car insurance policy covers all of the cars in your household for a single payment and will often be cheaper compared to taking out multiple policies for each car. You can also find insurance policies that not only include your cars but also other important insurance policies that you need, such as home and contents insurance.
Add a Named Driver
If you are new to the roads, a good way to get a discount on your insurance policy is to add a named driver, who is somebody that is permitted to drive your car and is also covered by your insurance. Along with making it easier for sharing cars between families and couples, this can also make your insurance cheaper if you add somebody who is more experienced on the road. However, it’s important to make sure that you are the main driver. If you are the main driver of the car yet add yourself as the named driver, this is known as fronting and is illegal.
Whether you’re in the process of buying your new car or your current insurance policy is coming to an end, it’s a good idea to keep these tips in mind for saving money.