A series on the common illnesses and ailments that poultry can suffer. It’s often said that the secret to healthy livestock is the attention of the farmer. The reason is simple, the sooner problems are detected the easier to sort. Better still, seeing potential problems and stopping them before they happen.
Wing Clipping to Stop Hens Flying Over the Fence
Things will go wrong though and these articles should help you prevent and solve problems.
Poultry Reference Book
One suggestion first – a good reference book will pay dividends with illness, especially if you are aiming for a larger flock.
Eyes Open!
Hens tend to be fairly robust creatures but when they do get ill they can go down very quickly.
Keeping an eye on them morning and night will make sure you pick up on the first indication that they are poorly.
Articles On Chickens & Poultry Health, Illness, Diseases and Ailments
Chickens' feet are pretty tough but they can be injured, especially on flinty ground when scratching about or if they unearth some broken glass etc. Here's what to do to sort the most common foot problems
It is important not to have perches placed...
There are many diseases, ailments and problems that can affect hens and other poultry. Happily many of the diseases and problems they are subject to are unlikely to trouble the small scale back garden keeper. Here is how to defend yourself against the...
Crop problems are not common but they do happen. The main cause is poor husbandry such as feeding too many treats in a desire to be kind or allowing the birds onto pasture with long grass. Most often they can be treated successfully by the home keeper....
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Backgarden Chickens
The Easy Read Guide to Home Poultry Keeping
Practical advice that tells you all you need to know
Also covers, ducks, geese, quail, turkeys, guinea fowl