Nettle Beer Recipe – How to Make Nettle Beer
This nettle beer is a refreshing drink for late spring and early summer. It is easy and simple to make. Drink it fresh, it won't keep.
Simple and easy traditional country wine recipes that you can make at home using home grown or hedgerow fruits.
This nettle beer is a refreshing drink for late spring and early summer. It is easy and simple to make. Drink it fresh, it won't keep.
A simple wine but absolutely delicious. It can be enjoyed very young as well as mature. Great for parties or well chilled for a hot summer's day
This easy ginger wine recipe produces a dark, strongly-flavoured, warm ginger wine - ideal for taking the chill off a cold winter night.
This goldenrod wine recipe produces an interestingly flavoured medium wine from the flowers. Goldenrod is best known as a medicinal wildflower herb
This simple and easy elderflower wine recipe produces a still, light fruity wine but with a kick. A pleasant drink for a hot summer's afternoon.
An easy hawthorn berry wine recipe, the most difficult thing is picking the hawthorn berries. Be prepared with anti-septic cream for your scratches!
This traditional elderberry plus wine recipe was dated 1951 in grandfather's recipes and records book. This easy, updated version producing a complex wine
This traditional elderberry port wine recipe, slightly updated for better results, produces a deep rich country wine, full of flavour when mature in a year
This simple and easy pea-pod wine recipe produces a gallon of delicate, medium-sweet, light table wine from a by-product that would be wasted otherwise.
This easy to follow parsnip wine recipe produces about a gallon of light medium-sweet, Sauternes style table wine that will be drinkable in just six months
This easy raspberry wine recipe produces a medium-sweet wine with that distinctive raspberry taste. The fruit is lightly stewed to extract all the flavour.
This uncomplicated gooseberry wine recipe is easy to follow and produces a light, medium dry wine with the sharpness of gooseberry.
A simple and easy blackcurrant wine recipe that produces a medium-sweet, rich, complexly flavoured red wine. It's similar in some ways to a Beaujolais.
This simple and easy elderberry wine recipe produces a true hedgerow country fine with a deep and complex flavour reflecting the warmth of the summer.
This easy traditional hedgerow blackberry & elderberry wine recipe has a modern addition with banana that adds an overtone to the country wine.
This simple and easy dry damson wine recipe produces a gallon of the rich wine that has always been one of the most popular of country wines.
This simple and easy cherry wine recipe produces a gallon of wine with a heady aroma and flavour. It uses a mixture of sweet and sour cherries.
This rhubarb wine recipe will make a medium wine that's more delicate than you might expect from a humble country wine based on a full-flavoured fruit.
An easy blackberry wine recipe the produces a Beaujolais style light red wine. A true country wine that goes particularly well with a mild soft cheese.
This straightforward Loganberry Wine Recipe shows you how to easily make a delicious wine that is full-bodied and warming in winter, holding summer's warmth
This easy dry dandelion wine recipe produces a light-bodied, subtle but refreshing wine, ideal for a hot summer's day.
This fabulous traditional elderflower champagne recipe makes just over 10 pints in two weeks. It is easy, simple and quick. Also converts to cordial.
This dandelion wine recipe produces a sweet wine capturing the summer in an infusion made from the flowers. It's simple, easy and delicious.
This straightforward carrot wine recipe makes a gallon of rich tasting wine that is golden in colour. It's simple, cheap and easy to make.
This simple and easy beetroot wine recipe makes 1 gallon of either dry or medium red beetroot wine depending how much sugar is used.