Cheese Pastry Recipe – How to Make Cheese Pastry

Cheese pastry can be used to make savoury biscuits and straws, savoury tarts, pies, flans, patties and turnovers. It can really lift a quiche. Use a hard cheese like cheddar but go for a mature, strong flavour for the best flavour. It can be made by hand or for speed use a food processor.

Cheese Pastry Spinach Quiche

Cheese Pastry will really lift a quiche or flan

The cheese pastry will store well for a few days wrapped in cling film in the fridge or can be frozen for months. Do allow plenty of time for it to defrost though.

Incidentally, I find the rotary type to be the best cheese grater to use.

Ingredients for Cheese Pastry Recipe:

  • 4 oz (112 g) plain flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • Good pinch of Cayenne Pepper
  • Good pinch of dry mustard or teaspoon of ready made English mustard.
  • 2 oz (56 g) butter or margarine
  • 3 oz (84 g) grated cheese
  • Yolk of 1 egg
  • Water

Method for Making Cheese Pastry by Hand:

  1. Sieve the flour, salt and pepper into a bowl and rub in the fat.
  2. Add the finely grated cheese and mix well.
  3. Mix to a stiff dough with the egg yolk and a little cold water.
  4. Turn on to a lightly floured board, knead gently and roll out.

Method for Making Cheese Pastry using a Food Processor:

  1. Sieve the flour, salt and pepper into a bowl add the fat cut into lumps and pulse until it resembles crumbs.
  2. Add the finely grated cheese and mix well with the processor on a slow speed.
  3. Add the egg yolk and a little cold water and mix again until it forms a ball in the bowl.
  4. Turn on to a lightly floured board, knead gently and roll out.

The best cheese to use is a mature cheddar, the stronger the flavour the better. If the cheese is slightly stale (dry) it actually improves the flavour. If you have any rind from a Stilton or other blue cheese hanging around, add that as well

Just replace the normal pastry with this cheese pastry in a quiche for something rather special.

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